CFP: Lessons and Legacies of Holocaust (Event: Florida, 11/2010); DL 31.10.2009

Lessons and Legacies XI
Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL
November 4-7, 2010
Deadline: October 31, 2009

The Eleventh Biennial Lessons and Legacies Conference, sponsored by the Holocaust Educational Foundation and Florida Atlantic University, will consist of two plenary addresses, up to three roundtables, up to eighteen panels, and up to fourteen workshops relating to recent issues and advances in scholarship on all aspects of Holocaust Studies, and pointing the way toward further research.

Interested scholars are invited to present proposals for individual papers or entire panels. Panels normally will consist of three papers and a commentator or four papers and no commentator, although other formats are possible. Proposals should include a title and brief description of the panel as a whole, along with the names, institutional affiliations, contact information, paper titles and abstracts of all panelists. Proposals for individual papers will also be considered. Applicants will be informed regarding inclusion on the conference program by January 31, 2010.

Proposals should be sent by email to BOTH of the Program Co-Chairs for the conference: Professor Frank Nicosia, University of Vermont (, and Professor Susannah Heschel, Dartmouth College (

Please note that the deadline for workshop proposals is the same as that for panels and papers, October 31, 2009, but that the addressees are different. Organizers of workshops should contact all of the following workshop organizers: Dr. Suzanne Brown-Fleming, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies (, Professor Donald Schilling, Denison University (, and Hillary Earl ( regarding application guidelines and procedures.

Participants in Lessons and Legacies XI will be required to register and pay a small fee in advance of the conference. To the extent possible, the Holocaust Educational Foundation will provide financial assistance for presenters at the conference, with priorities being graduate students, faculty at teaching-oriented colleges that do not provide research support, and foreign scholars who have unusually high travel costs. Please direct all inquiries about financial assistance to the Holocaust Educational Foundation, President Theodore Zev Weiss (

Theodore Z. Weiss
Holocaust Educational Foundation
64 Old Orchard
Professional Bldg., Room 520
Skokie, IL 60077
phone: 847-676-3700 / fax: 847-676-3706


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